On Wednesday, members of a closed cryptocurrency support Telegram channel, held a meeting across four states in the northern region of Nigeria—Kano, Niger, Sokoto, and Katsina—on how they could enjoy the full promises of the Pi Network, an entity that describes itself on its website as “the first and only digital currency you can mine on your phone. The resolution, according to Bashir Zhamani*, 27, who was part of one the meetings held in Suleja, a Niger state city, was to build a Pi chain mall in Kano, Nigeria where people can shop using their PiCoin, a digital currency mined on the Pi Network app.
“Pioneers in China are already selling and buying phones and cars with their Pi,” he said. “We need to also start doing it here.” Pioneer is the name Pi Network users are called.
There are reports of malls scattered across Asia receiving Pi as payment and myriads of social media posts corroborating that—tweets about Asians, especially Chinese, paying for electronic gadgets with their PiCoin. Some Nigerians in the north of the country have also reportedly acquired cars and phones using their PiCoin. However, for a token that has no official price and hasn’t started trading yet, the buzz is curious.