Lots of exited Npower Batches A and B have been pondering on what exactly the NEXIT program might entail, infact some Npower Batch A and B volunteers have been speculating that the Federal Government might want to channel Npower Batch A and B volunteers into one or more of its existing social investment program like the market moni or trader moni agent, or even some Npower Batch A and B volunteers are hell bent on loan package from the Federal Government, well the NSIP National Social Investment Program's mission and vision is not far from the above options, but Npower Batch A and B volunteers should note that they will be trained on aspects that will develop their self reliant and entrepreneurial skill, please expect nothing more than that, the training will be based on life long skill that will make Npower volunteers entrepreneurs, yes the following options below might just suffice:
1) Npower batches A and B volunteers might be trained and provided with POS (Point of Sale) machine and umbrella to start a business.
2) Exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers might be linked with commercial banking institutions as their agent/marketer.
3) Exited Npower Batches A and B might be made enumerators especially under the Agro Allied industries under the Agricultural Sector.
4) Exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers might be trained on GEEP, Government Enterprise Empowerment Program with soft microloans given to exited Npower Batches A and B to start a business.
Whichever the case all exited Npower Batches A and B should note that they are not going back to the streets to search for jobs anymore.